The professor shocked when he announced that he had found “a flock” of fairies while working at a university (VIDEO)

Professor John Hyatt recently came across a discovery which he simply couldn’t keep to himself. According to him, he’s been coming into contact with strange downright mythical creatures for the past couple of years now, but he’s been too afraid of being called a nutcase if he were to say anything to anyone.

Back in 1917, Frances Griffiths reported that she slipped into a stream while playing with the fairies, and not only that, in 2009 Phyllis Back took herself a picture of her garden in which she found what appeared to be dozens of flying miniature people

Luckily, he managed to get himself a series of pictures as evidence of them which gave him the confidence he needed to come forth with his discovery.

It was extremely risky as we all know by now many people have lost their jobs after making such claims but according to him there simply wasn’t any way he wouldn’t share the truth with the rest of the world.

His original claim was that the English countryside of Rosendale was officially covered from top to bottom by fairies.

This population of fairies allegedly showed themselves to him over the past couple of years, and according to John himself, they are miniature humanoids with wings very similar to humans

You can find yourself an exhibition called the Rosendale Fairies at the Whitaker Museum if you’re interested to see more and more proof of fairies populating the area.

Back in 1917, Frances Griffiths reported that she slipped into a stream while playing with the fairies, and not only that, in 2009 Phyllis Back took herself a picture of her garden in which she found what appeared to be dozens of flying miniature people.

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