People are panic By An Online “Alien” With a “slimy pink body”. (VIDEO)

“It was ᴅᴇᴀᴅ when I found it… But what is it?” Body of slimy pink creature found in Californian woman’s backyard leads to frenzied speculation she found an ‘alien’

Pictures of a slimy, pink, and half-developed creature found in a woman’s backyard have sparked wild speculation about its origin.

The pH๏τo appears to have first appeared on Facebook before being reposted on Reddit, where users began a lengthy discussion about what it was.

Internet users have spent the last few days feverishly debating whether it is an ‘alien,’ a ‘facehugger,’ or simply a partially developed animal fetus.


PH๏τographs of the pink, slimy-looking creature lead to frenzied speculation it was an ‘alien’ or ‘facehugger’ as popularised in the Ridley Scott science fiction films

Gianna Peponis, from California, posted images of the creature, stating: ‘I wasn’t gunna [sic] post this but I can’t stop trying to figure out wtf this thing is.

‘I heard something scream at like 11.30 last night and went out on my side yard and found this thing.

‘It was ᴅᴇᴀᴅ when I found it… Share with your friends.’

The pH๏τo was then reposted on Reddit, where many users speculated on what it was.

The images were originally posted on Facebook by Californian woman Gianna Peponis

One Reddit user said it was ‘clearly an alien,’ while another said it was ‘definitely a facehugger,’ referring to the creatures in Ridley Scott’s Alien films that latch onto victims’ faces.

User LollyMac simply wrote: ‘I don’t know what the **** that is. If your friend is brave enough to remove it from their property, remind them to salt the ground afterwards. Nothing good can ever happen there now.’

However, many other users offered more considered responses.

Posting a pH๏τograph of a fully intact deer fetus for comparison, one wrote: ‘It’s half of a deer fetus which has been chewed on by scavengers/predators.

‘For reference here is what an intact deer fetus looks like, imagine if you cut the back end and part of its nose off.’

Another explained: ‘Hoofed animals can freak out and drop a fetus, amniotic sack and all, when scared. Or maybe it was a still birth. Either way, dinner is on mother nature tonight!’

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