Miraculous: Meet the two-year-old boy born with a third arm growing from his back

Gaurab, a young boy who was born with an extra arm growing from his back, saw doctors for the first time in his life in an episode of Body Bizarre.

In the series  which you can watch for free on 9Now  Gaurab, who was just two-years-old at the time of filming, ran around blissfully unaware of his condition.

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The third arm, which doesn’t move, is the remains of Gaurab’s undeveloped twin and grew from a split in the toddler’s spinal column.

When Gaurab was born everything seemed totally normal, apart from a small growth at the top of his spine.

“The doctor advised us to take the baby to hospital within five days of birth but because of our poor finances we couldn’t go,” Gaurab’s father Ashish told cameras. You can hear some of Gaurab’s story in the video above.

Gaurab, two, has never been taken to the hospital to seek medical advice about his third arm. (9Now)

In a few months the growth had developed into a small arm with a hand.

Gaurab’s father Ashish and mother Kalpana are from a deeply religious Hindu community in Nepal.

”People said he was a form of God and bestowed money and some said an operation needs to be done,” Kalpana told cameras.

“Who should we listen to? We couldn’t decide.

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Local Hindu healers say Gaurab is a form of God and should not have the extra arm removed. (9Now)

In their Hindu community, the words of the local spiritual healer are treated with the utmost respect.

“For treatment we went to the Shaman’s [religious practitioner’s] place and they said not to remove the arm. ‘If you remove it, it could be bad for you, God has given you this accept it and preserve it’,” Kalpana explained.

Following the Shaman’s advice, Gaurab’s parents never took him to a hospital.

Gaurab’s parents Ashish and Kalpana did not know what to do. (9Now)

But as Gaurab’s extra arm grew and began to affect his everyday life, his parents began to think differently and hoped to seek the help of medical professionals.

“If possible, we would like to get him operated on. There must be some solution,” Ashish told cameras.

The family travelled 220 kilometres south to the capital of Kathmandu where they met orthopaedic surgeon Dr Chakra Raj Pandey at the Grande International Hospital.

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Gaurab visited orthopaedic surgeon Dr Chakra Raj Pandey at the Grande International Hospital. (9Now)

Dr Pandey’s biggest concern was finding out how Gaurab’s extra arm was connected to his skeleton.

Several scans showed that Gaurab’s arm was growing from a split in his spine known as spina bifida.

“The extra arm itself is not a problem. Inside the spine is the biggest worry for all of us,” Dr Pandey told cameras.

“If that is not addressed, the child is going to develop some sort of neurological problems in the future, making him maybe, I will not say 100 per cent, wheelchair-bound.”

Scans showed that Gaurab’s arm was growing out of a split in his spine. (9Now)

But Dr Pandey explained that surgery also came at the risk of damaging Gaurab’s spinal nerves and possibly leaving him paralysed.

With neither option risk free, Gaurab’s parents Ashish and Kalpana were overwhelmed by the decision.

They returned home to discuss the decision with the family elders.

To find out what decision Gaurab’s family came to watch his full story on Body Bizarre in the episode ‘Born with Three Arms‘.

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