Residents of Mongolia witness strange UFO activity in their neighborhood (video)

Two objects reportedly crashed to the groυпd пear Ulaп Bator, the capital of Moпgolia oп Feb. 19, 2010. The first object, accordiпg to the report oп the…

Leaked footage shows the KANDAHAR UFO strike

This spectacular video was filmed by the US military in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province in 2011. The video was released in 2017 thanks to former US military members…

New dɪscoveгy: Found petгɪfɪed “ɑlɪen soldɪeгs” on Mɑгs

Alɪen hunteгs hɑve dɪscoveгed whɑt ɪs belɪeved to be ɑn “ɑncɪent Mɑгtɪɑn soldɪeг” ɑfteг ɑnɑlyzɪng photos tɑken by NASA’s Cuгɪosɪty гoveг. Alɪen hunteгs hɑve dɪscoveгed whɑt ɪs…

Eye Witness UFO Above The Sea Filmed From The Beach in Oceanside, CA USA (Video)

I’ve written over 1350 post’s across 3 website blogs regarding people’s UFO videos covering all UFOs and shapes. Update it was 2 week’s ago in Oceanside, CA…

A UFO’s landing inside the Mojanda volcano was caught on camera (Video)

Ecuador: Captured on video the landing of a UFO in the Mojanda volcanoThe incredible images we show represent a sensational document unprecedented in UFO landings around the…

Mysterious orb spotted in Brazil just days after alleged UFO crash cover-up (Video)

A MYSTERIOUS bright orb hovering above a village in Rio de Janeiro just days after an alleged alien UFO crash in the same area has sparked a…

Uncovering the Truth Behind a Mysterious Object: Google Maps UFO Debate Goes Viral (Video)

Conspiracy theorists think they have found photographic evidence of an alien spaceship visiting Earth on… Google Maps.  YouTube account UFOmania posted ‘evidence’ of a UFO sighting on…

Unusual triangle shaped anomaly recorded at Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Video)

Strange triangular sighting recorded in Porstmouth, New Hampshire on 10th December 2009, around 9:30 am.   “While looking at the reporters photo of a news story on…

A gigantic stone sphere in the shape of a UFO was discovered by Researchers in Costa Rica (Video)

Researchers in Costa Rica unearth a nearly ‘Perfect’ massive stone sphere “We have studied the terrain in which there are more than 15 of these spheres, and…

Mysterious little creatures caught on security camera ( Video )

What strange creatures did the traffic camera in Dallas, Texas capture? Someone thinks that these are just big birds, someone is sure that these are mythical monsters….