At the lowest point of the ocean, a video was recorded of a monster that can change shape and sound like an alien (video)

This video was taken by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at a depth of 3753 feet in the Indian Ocean, close to a drill wellhead.

Near the end of the film, alien-like beings become engrossed in the ROV thrusters’ performance. The video filmed off Africa’s east coast and has not altered.

This mysterious creature is unquestionably the planet’s closest living creature to being an enemy. According to marine biologist Bill Austin, it’s most definitely a comb jelly (ctenophore).

George Matsumoto, a ctenophore (comb jelly) expert at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute, identified it as a lobate Lampocteis ctenophore.

Comb jellies are jellyfish-like organisms with cilia that make them float in groups or rows. Some comb jellies have cilia strips that run the length of their outer bodies.

In general, comb jellies are hunters. Only comb jellies use specially modified “colloblast” cells to squirt glue onto their prey while hunting.

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