A Man Records an Alien Entering His UFO in a Romanian Forest and Taking Off (Video)

What you will see in the following video is apparently an extraterrestrial entering a flying saucer before taking off.

The video was recorded in a remote snowy area of Romania, near the city of Targoviste. According to the video loaded on YouTube, the material was filmed a few years ago, showing how a big head humanoid walks over two legs toward his spacecraft. As soon as the creature enters the spacecraft, it takes off slowly and disappears.


The video had millions of views, however, most viewers insisted that the whole video was just fake CGI. But as always, there were also people who really believed in what they saw, claiming that this is a great proof of the existence of extraterrestrials. The video continues with another footage of the same type of UFO, flying over the Romanian mountains.



Take a look at the following video and tell us what you think about it.

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