Nature is that it never ceases to impress us. I’m talking about things like unique rock formations, amazing clouds-rainbow, lush forests or even something as simple as a funny shaped fruit or vegetable. And today we’re all about the latter. From alien-looking pickles to yams that look like severed hands, check out a collection of vegetables and fruit that look like other things in the gallery below.
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Here are the 21 photos of unusually funny-shaped fruits and vegetables. Unusually shaped fruits and vegetables have a shape not in line with its normal body plan. While some examples are just oddly shaped, others are heralded for their amusing appearance, often because they resemble a body parts. Let’s find out why these fruits and vegetables are in this weird and funny shape. Scroll down and enjoy yourself.
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Unusually shaped fruits and vegetables have shapes that are not in line with their normal body plans. While some examples are just oddly shaped, others are heralded for their amusing appearance, often because they resemble a body part such as the buttocks or genitalia. Pareidolia, the tendency to mistakenly see a face in an object or visual, can be common in vegetables, with some people reporting the appearance of religious imagery.
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Vegetables usually grow into an unusual shape due to environmental conditions. Damage to one part of the vegetable can cause the growth to slow in that area while the rest grows at the normal rate. When a root vegetable is growing and the tip is damaged, it can sometimes split, forming multiple roots attached at one point. If a plant is in the primordium (embryonic development) stage, damage to the growing vegetable can cause more extreme mutations.
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The unusual shape can also be forced upon the vegetable. In Japan, farmers of the Zentsuji region found a way to grow square watermelons by growing the fruits in glass boxes and letting them naturally assume the shape of the receptacle. The square-shaped watermelon was intended to make the melons easier to stack and store, but because the melons must be picked before they are ripe they are inedible; the cubic watermelons are also often more than double the price of normal watermelons. Using similar techniques, growers have also created more complex shapes of watermelon, including dice, pyramids, and faces.
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Root vegetables, especially those such as carrots and parsnips, will naturally grow around or avoid obstacles in the soil such as small stones and other foreign objects to prevent damage to the developing root, resulting in a wide variety of different shapes.
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In the European Union, attempts to introduce legislation prohibiting the sale of misshapen fruit and vegetables were defeated. The proposed “uniform standardisation parameters” would have applied to straight bananas and curved cucumbers, as well as to more extreme cases such as carrots with multiple “legs”, or fused fruit.
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The main concern for opponents of the proposed legislation was the ethical question of the wastage it would have generated if growers were forced to discard up to 20% of their crop, produce that was nutritionally identical to more regularly shaped specimens.
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A Sophisticated Radish (A very bizarre and funny looking human-shaped radish sitting in a very sophisticated manner. it probably belongs to this human-shaped plant root found in China.) Daikon are long white roots that stretch up to 16 to 18 inches in size. They can be found at Asian markets and in well-stocked grocery stores, where they’re often cut into more manageable sizes. In some countries, this variety or smaller, similar offshoots can also be called icicle radish. Regardless of what they’re called, these slim veggies have extra juicy flesh and a mild, watery flavor.
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Snail Melon: My eyes are being deceived by looking at this picture. We can’t tell if it’s an oddly-colored snail or a growing watermelon. Even though it may not look like it, it is indeed the latter. The two-toned green lines would soon become a delicious summer fruit. It’s crazy how much the watermelon resembled the tiny sluggish animal. And while some people may enjoy eating escargot, we probably would opt out of eating this “snail.” Not because we’re judging how looks, of course, but because it seems like it’s nowhere near ripe enough.
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Scary Pumpkin: If you are a Little Shop of Horrors fan, then you might know where we’re going with this next one. Whatever these pumpkin farmers put in the soil turned this fruit into something that eerily resembles Audrey II. The seeds confuse our eyes into seeing it as a set of teeth. Pumpkins are arguably best known for representing Halloween, so whoever got to go home with this pumpkin probably didn’t need to carve it into a jack-o-lantern. Since this fruit looks like a freaky monster that fits in well with Halloween decorations.
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A Duck-Shaped Tomato: Michigan Woman Picks Unmistakably Duck-Shaped Tomato. A Genesee County woman with a green thumb got a surprise and a giggle while gardening about a week ago. It’s been a good summer for tomatoes at the Davidek home, in Mount Morris, Michigan, and it was business as usual as Maria Davidek tended her crop — until she came across a standout that quacked her up. “I picked it up and thought, ‘Oh my gosh! He looks just like a little duck!’” she told Understandably, Davidek was anxious to show her husband, “I said to him, do you wanna see my duck? And he looked at me as if I was going a little loony…but then (he agreed), ‘Yes! It’s got a beak and all!’”
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Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear As A Carrot: The retired electrical engineer immediately ran inside to show his three grandchildren the strangely shaped vegetable. Clive, from Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, said: ‘My wife Jane had asked for some carrots from the garden so I pulled a few out from the soil. ‘When I saw this strange vegetable, the resemblance to Buzz Lightyear hit me straight away and I just thought “my gosh”.
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One look at this image, and it’s without a doubt that our eyes will be confused trying to interpret what they are looking at. The shape of these carrots has made it look like they are two people – one is a small baby who is hugging the larger veggie very tightly. Could the larger one possibly be the mom of the tiny orange vegetable? We can’t be sure, all we know is that it is adorable the way that our eyes are perceiving the carrots. Pareidolia really can make the most simple daily object look extremely peculiar.
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Eggplant Face: This eggplant made us do a double-take. What kind of seed was needed to make this fruit (yes, it’s a fruit) look almost exactly like a human face? It’s pretty hard to miss the big nose, tiny eyes, the straight smiled lips, and even the green stem that makes it look like a small hat. Once again, pareidolia has created a hilarious experience for our eyes. But it also has us feeling weird about eating something that so closely resembled our very own face. Instead, this eggplant should maybe be hung up in an art gallery for its peculiar look.
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Earth really does produce remarkable things. For example, this tomato without a doubt is shaped like a bunny. It has similar ears Not to mention the green stem could probably easily be mistaken for the antennas. Although, if we look closely at this picture, it seems like maybe it was actually two tomatoes that got stuck together to create this pareidolia fruit. But, no matter how this happy accident happened, the bunny tomato, without a doubt, is funny to look at.
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Potato Bear: We can’t lie – this potato made us do a double-take. From the shape of the body to the two tiny hands and even the exact same placements of the two eyes and even a mouth. This hearty vegetable somehow managed to look eerily similar to how a teddy bear looks. Earth truly can create some remarkable items, the combination of a real-life animal and a delicious vegetable is usually unthinkable. Yet someone out there managed to stumble upon the creation. We would have never guessed that a potato could look so, well, adorable.
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Hugging Eggplant: It’s not often that fruits or vegetables make us say “aww,” but we just couldn’t help it after seeing the hugging eggplant. Pareidolia is making this veggie look like it’s begging for us to wrap our arms around it. We wonder if he’s just really friendly or maybe is feeling sad. But honestly, with its two cute small hands, how could we reject him? If we had been the ones who found him, we would have kept the eggplant as a knick-knack so others could have a laugh each time they saw it – rather than cut the veggie up and roast it in the oven!
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Screaming Eggplant: It’s possible that as children fruit might have freaked us out but, as adults, we can handle it. Unless, of course, we came face to face with this particular eggplant. Pareidolia has our eyes viewing the inside of the fruit as a screaming face. It’s hard to miss the open mouth and piercing eyes. We’re curious as to what kind of seed was possibly used to make this eggplant so angry. We guess it will remain a mystery forever. All we know is if we were the ones who had to cut into this fruit and see what was waiting for us, we would have probably screamed right back at it.
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Chickenberry: It’s hard not to see how this sweet red strawberry looks uncanny to a chicken, with its little nose, to the small feathers. This case of pareidolia is seriously messing with our eyes. As it did with the people who found the interesting-looking fruit. Farmers, Reuben and April Welch, posted the picture of the “Chickberry” after they dug it up at Grove Farm in Bonnyrigg. They also found it to be funny and even captioned their image, “Going to have to eat this chicken as it hasn’t laid a single bloody egg yet.”
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Angry Onion: It’s probably easy to guess what this purple onion resembles. Unless, of course, you lived under a rock back in the early 2010s. The Angry Birds saga was all the rage and, while the admiration for the app may have gone down, those unhappy faces are hard to forget. One look at this picture, and we can’t help but see the bird’s angry face right there in this vegetable. We’re wondering if the onion might have been spoiled or if the characters from the game wanted to come back and haunt grocery shoppers for not playing anymore.
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Yam Hand: This mysterious veggie had us doing a double-take because it looks nearly the same as a human hand does! Finding this creepy vegetable in a garden must really cause a fright. With 4 long fingers and one folded thumb, what a hilarious yet freaky accident. Don’t let pareidolia fool you, because luckily, it’s not a human body part it’s just a yam! That must have been a huge relief for whoever picked it to find that out. Hopefully, they were able to turn a scary situation sweet by cooking up some candied yams.
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Milkweed Bird: Although milkweed isn’t technically a fruit nor a vegetable, it is a flowering plant. And in our book, that’s close enough to be placed on this pareidolia list. Especially since it has us believing we are looking at a picture of birds hanging out together. Whoever found these plants most likely saw the same thing, which may be why they placed the bird-looking flower around the glass cup. Whether it resembles a hummingbird or a few parrots, no one needs to worry about the flower flying around their home.
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Lemelephant: It’s surprising to learn that this lemon was not created in a lab. Even though pareidolia makes it look so similar to an elephant. The trunk turns in perfectly, the ears are there, and even the legs all look like the animals. What a magnificent coincidence. If it were us that found this lemelephant we would probably use a different citrus fruit for our lemonade recipe. Because this cool find should be placed on a shelf to display to the world. Or maybe it should have been given to a zoo for children to enjoy.
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Carrot couple. You can watch video here:
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