Th? Em????? Qin Shi H??n? is ?n? ?? th? m?st ??i??s ?i????s in th? hist??? ?? ?nci?nt Chin?. A ??i?ht ?x?m?l? ?? his ??w?? is th? Qin Shi H??n?’s t?m? – th? m?st ????l??s m??s?l??m c?m?l?x in th? w??l?.
Th? ???i?l c?m?l?x ???? ?? ????t 60 s????? kil?m?t??s is ?n ?nti?? ?n???????n? cit?, ??? t? ? ???th ?? 70 t? 120 m?t??s ??l?w th? ???i???s. With ???? ?? 350×345 m?t??s ?lm?st s????? in sh???, it is ??i?nt?? t? th? c???in?l ??ints. Th? c?nt?? ?? th? ?n???????n? cit? is ?cc??i?? ?? th? ?m?????’s m??s?l??m with ?v?? 500 t?m?s ?? his c???ti??s ?n? s??v?nts ????n? it.
700,000 ????l? ? ??? w??? sw??tin? ?t th? t?m? c?nst??cti?n, which l?st?? m??? th?n 40 ????s. Giv?n th? ??ct th?t th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? ?n???????n? cit?-c???t ??t?s ??ck ???m th? ???innin? ?? III c?nt??? BC, w? c?n im??in? th? t??m?n???sn?ss ?? this ??chit?ct???l ???j?ct ??? th?t tim?.
Th? Em????? Qin Shi H??n? w?s kn?wn t? ??c?m? th? ??l?? ?? th? Qin Em?i?? in th? ???? 246 BC wh?n h? w?s ?nl? 13 ????s ?l?. Th? ?sc?nt t? th? th??n? ?? th? ?m?????’s ???n?s?n ?? ? l?w-??nkin? c?nc??in? ??c?m? ??ssi?l? ?s ? ??s?lt ?? c???t int?i???s ?? th? ??w????l ?n? c?nnin? c???ti?? Lü B?w?i. Acc???in? t? th? ??c???s ?? Chin?s? hist???, Qin Shi H??n? ??c?m? th? ?i?st ?m????? t? ??t ?n ?n? t? ? c?nt??i?s-?l? ??? ?? th? W???in? St?t?s P??i??, ?n? t? ??n? 6 n?i?h???in? kin???ms t? his c?nt??liz?? ??w??. This l?n? c?ns?li??ti?n c?ntin??? ???m 230 t? 221 BC. It w?s th?n, wh?n his n?m? ???????? with ? ?l?xi?n “?i”. “H??n??i” lit???ll? m??ns “?m?????-???n???.”
U??n th? ?ni?ic?ti?n ?? th? l?n?s, Qin Shi H??n? int????c?? ? sin?l? c????nc?, ? ?ni?i?? m??s??? ?? w?i?hts ?n? w?itin? st?n????s. It w?s him, wh?s? minist?? ???m?? ? ??????c??tic st??ct???, which ??inci?l?s ??? still in ????ct in t????’s Chin?. Th? ??? ?? th? Qin Shi H??n? ??i?n s?w th? ???cti?n ?? th? G???t W?ll ?? Chin?, which ??nc?? Chin? ??? n?m??s, th? 36 km-l?n? Lin??? C?n?l, t? c?v?? th? ?m?i??’s v?st ????s ?? ?iv?? t??ns???t, ?n? ? ?ni?i?? s?st?m ?? ????s. At th? s?m? tim?, in ????ll?l with th?m, th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? Shi H??n? m??s?l??m c?m?l?x w?s st??t?? ?t th? ???t ?? Li M??nt?in, 20 km ?w?? ???m m????n Xi?n.
It is w??th m?nti?nin? th?t, h?vin? ?sc?n??? t? th? th??n? ??in? still ? chil?, Qin Shi H??n? ?v?n ?t th?t tim? w?s ????min? ?? li?? ?v??l?stin?. In s???ch ??? imm??t?lit?, h? h?? t??v?ll?? ?ll ?v?? th? ?m?i??, ?n? w?nt ??tsi?? l??kin? ??? ?n ?nsw?? ???m th? l?c?l h??l??s ?n? m?nks. As ? ??s?lt, n?t h?vin? ???n? ?ills ?? imm??t?lit?, th? Em????? w?s ??????in? t? ??l? in th? n?xt w??l? ??t?? his ???th. Th???????, Qin Shi H??n? ?tt?ch?? s?ch im???t?nc? t? th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? m??s?l??m. Ev???thin? in th? m??s?l??m w?s t? in?ic?t? th? ?t??n?l li?? ?n? th? mi?ht ?? Qin Shi H??n?.
Th? Qin Shi H??n?’s t?m? ?l?nnin? ??min?s th?t ?? th? cit? ?? Xi?n??n? – th? c??it?l ?? th? Qin kin???m ?t th?t tim?. Th??? ?ls? w?s ?n ??t?? ?n? inn?? cit? ?ivi??? ?? ? hi?h w?ll. A h??? m??s?l??m ?n???????n? w?s ??in???c?? with m?t?l ???ms. Its c?nt?? w?s ?cc??i?? ?? ?n im???i?l ??si??nc? h?ll. Th??? st??? ? s??c??h???s ?? ???? ??l?, s?????n??? ?? ?iv??s m??? with m??c???. Th? c?ilin? w?s ??si?n?? in th? ???m ?? th? sk?, whil? th? ?l??? ?????s?nt?? ? m?? ?? th? ?m?i??. Th? ???m w?s lit ?? with “?v??-???nin?” l?m?s, ?n? th? ?nt?l? w??lth ?? th? im???i?l t???s??? w?s ?????ht t???th?? th???. A??v? th? s??c??h???s th??? w?s ? ????mi?-sh???? st??ct???, s? th?t th? ?m?????’s s??l c??l? ?sc?n? t? th? sk?. Th? ????mi? w?s hi???n ?? ?n ??ti?ici?l m??n? ?? thick l??ss s?il.
Th? m??s?l??m w?s ???t?ct?? with m?n? in??ni??s ?it??lls th?t w??? s??? t? c?tch ?n ?cc?si?n?l c??i??s ???s?n ?? ? ??????. U??n c?m?l?ti?n ?? th? m??s?l??m h?n????s ?? th? ?m?????’s s??v?nts ?n? s??vit??s w??? ???i?? ?liv? t? s??v? him ?ls? ??t?? his ???th.
Alth???h Qin Shi H??n? ch??ish?? ? h??? th?t his ??sc?n??nts w??l? ?? ??lin? ??? ?n?th?? 10,000 ????s ??t?? his ???th, th? ?m?i?? ?xist?? ?nl? th??? ????s. It w?s ???k?n ??, ?il?c???t?? ?? civil st?i?? ?nl??sh?? ?? th? ??sc?n??nts ?? th? ???m?? ??l??s ?? c?n?????? l?n?s ?n? ???s?nt ???isin?s. B?t st??n?? ?n???h th?t n?n? ?? th?m t??ch?? th? t?m?, ?n? in c???s? ?? tim?, it s?nk int? ??livi?n. F?w c?nt??i?s ??ss?? ?????? th? ???i?l m??n? ?? Qin Shi H??n? w?s ?t l?st ?isc?v????.
Th? m?st??? ?? th? m??s?l??m w?s ?isc?v???? ???i?t in 1974, wh?n ?n? ?? th? l?c?ls, ?i??in? ? w?ll, c?m? ?c??ss ? st?t?? ?? t????c?tt? w???i??s. This w?s h?w th? ?i?st ?i???? ?? th? s?v???l-th??s?n?-st??n? t????c?tt? ??m?, which ????n??? th? im???i?l m??s?l??m, w?s ???n?. L?t?? ?n, ?v?? 8,000 li??-siz?? t???? c?tt? w???i??s ?n? h??s?s w??? ?ls? ???n?. A???n??? in th??? ??ws, ?t th? ?ist?nc? ?? 1.5 kil?m?t??s ????n? th? t?m?, th?? st??? in ?itch?s, ?s th???h ????? t? ????l ?n?m?’s ?tt?cks ?t ?n? m?m?nt. Ov?? ? h?n???? w????n ch??i?ts ?n? ????t 40,000 ?nits ?? w????n, in ???iti?n t? n?m????s h??s?h?l? it?ms, ?cc?ss??i?s ?? th?t tim? w??? ?ls? ???n? in th? t?m?.
Th? Em?????’s M??s?l??m h?s n?t ???n ??ll? ?xc?v?t?? ??t, ?lth???h th? sci?ntists c?nn?t w?it t? l???n ?ll th? m?st??i?s ???i??. Th? ???s?n ??? this is in v??? hi?h c?lt???l ?n? hist??ic v?l?? ?? th? m?n?m?nt: th? ??ti??cts ???in? ?xc?v?ti?n m?? ?? ??m???? s? th? st??i?s ??? c?n??ct?? with ????t c??ti?n th???. Th? Em????? Qin Shi H??n?’s t?m? c?m?l?x is th? ?i?st ?m?n? th? ?tt??cti?ns ?? Chin? incl???? in 1987 t? th? UNESCO W??l? H??it??? sit?s.