Mega Construction: Building $10 Million Offshore Wind Turbines in the Middle of the Sea (Video)

I have had the opportunity to witness the impressive size of turbine blades up close. They were being ɱaпufactured at a nearby plant, and occasionally I would spot one being transported on a long flatbed.

I enjoyed the video, although it would be great if metric units were used instead of random imperial units like feet, NFL fields, and the Statue of Liberty.

Norway undoubtedly holds the largest share of hydro energy in Europe. However, the real question here is what motivated the country to invest in the challenging maintenance of offshore wind turbines, including the installation of marine power cables and the frequent replacement of blades due to the harsh saltwater environment.

Thanks to Mr. Putin’s efforts in accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, renewables have become a significant source of job creation and a viable business opportunity.

I’m curious whether the cost of cables and additional infrastructure is included in the $10 million price tag. After all, building a wind turbine at such a cost is meaningless without connecting it to an electric grid, and the expenses for seabased projects are considerably higher, potentially 10 or even 20 ᴛι̇ɱes more than land-based installations. Ulᴛι̇ɱately, it is the consumer who bears these additional costs.






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