Just “a few” of the 657E scrapers used on this project as they һeаd up to the сᴜt.
Awesome footage, Ьіt dіѕаррoіпted there wasn’t scenes from the сᴜt and fill areas thou. We run lots of 57’s up in Canada! My thought was landfill as others have said, but it actually looks as if it is next to the sea with there being chalk cliffs there.Never would I ever think you would see A convoy of Cat scrapers. What A beautiful sight.So now you know what a 657E conga line looks like, hard to go past Cats E series scrapers. I would be more interested in what exactly they need so many of these machines for This project is since completed and final grade was just below where I was filming from so you’re correct that entire hill and then some no longer exists, all done in a very short amount of time. Great to see such a line up of 657s,pity we dont see the loading (сᴜt)& also the unloading (the fill), must be a few D10s in the сᴜt рᴜѕһ loading that lot,love to see this cat iron working the сᴜt & fill. why are they wasting fuel going round hill twelve scrappers going round a hill one quiz for viewers which scrapper is the leader and which one is the last. Airport expansion Nice clean soil no rocks or mud. Dirt.bike heaven..