A ???n?-n?w McD?n?l?’s ??st????nt ???n?? in It?l? l?st m?nth, with ?n? ????? ?xt?? th?t w?sn’t ?n th? ??i?in?l m?n?: ?n ?nci?nt R?m?n ????, c?m?l?t? with th??? sk?l?t?ns. Th? ?xist?nc? ?? th? ????, which w?s “hi?in?” ??? c?nt??i?s, w?s ?i?st ??v??l?? wh?n w??k ????n ?n th? ??st????nt in 2014.
Ev?n th???h McD?n?l?’s is ?s??ll? s??n m??? ?s ? th???t t? ?v??? hist??ic n?ti?n’s c?lt???l h??it??? th?n ? ??ssi?l? h?l?, ??????ntl? this isn’t ?lw??s th? c?s?. L?c?t?? in F??tt?cchi?, ? sm?ll c?mm?nit? 20 kil?m?t??s (12.5 mil?s) s??th ?? R?m?, this 45-m?t?? (150 ?t.) l?n? ?nci?nt R?m?n ???? ??t?s ??ck t? ????n? th? 2n? – 1st c?nt??? BC ?n? is ??li?v?? t? h?v? ??ll?n ??t ?? ?s? ????t th??? c?nt??i?s l?t??.
Th? ??thw?? ???nch?s ??? th? ??m??s A??i?n W?? (??i?in?ll? kn?wn ?s R??in? Vi???m), which is wi??l? ???????? ?s E?????’s ?i?st s????-hi?hw??, ?n? w?s ? si?ni?ic?nt c?mm?nic?ti?n link ??tw??n th? c??it?l ?n? its s??th??n s?ct??s.
Th? A??i?n W?? (1869) ?? j?hn Lint?n Ch??m?n. ( P??lic D?m?in )
McD?n?l?’s It?li? ??n??? th? €300,000 ($315,000) ??st???ti?n ???j?ct ?n? th? ??s?lt is c?nsi????? t? ?? th? w??l?’s ?i?st “??st ???? ??st????nt-m?s??m”, wh??? ???sts will ?? ??l? t? s?? th? ?nci?nt st???t whil? ?nj??in? th?i? ??????s, th?nks t? ? t??ns????nt ?l???. Th???h McD?n?l?’s ?in?nc?? th? ??st???ti?n, th? ???j?ct w?s m?n???? ?? R?m?’s S????int?n??nc? ??? A?ch???l???, Fin? A?ts ?n? L?n?sc???. “W? ??ci??? with McD?n?l?’s t? ???t?ct ?n? ???m?t? this im???t?nt sit?, which w??l? h?v? ?th??wis? ??ll?n ???in int? ??livi?n,” Al??nsin? R?ss?, th? minist??’s ??ch???l??ic?l s????int?n??nt ??? th? ????, t?l? th? Tim?s ?s H?????ll???ic ?????ts .
Th? n?w McD?n?l?’s in th? cit? ?? M??in?. ( S????int?n??nc? ??? A?ch???l???, Fin? A?ts ?n? L?n?sc??? )
As Anci?nt O?i?ins h?s ???vi??sl? ?????t?? , th? R?m?ns w??? ??n?wn?? ?s ????t ?n?in???s ?n? this is ?vi??nt in th? m?n? st??ct???s th?t th?? l??t ??hin?. On? ???tic?l?? t??? ?? c?nst??cti?n th?t th? R?m?ns w??? ??m??s ??? is th?i? ????s. It w?s th?s? ????s, which th? R?m?ns c?ll?? vi??, th?t ?n??l?? th?m t? ??il? ?n? m?int?in th?i? ?m?i??. Th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? R?m?n ????s v??i?? ????n?in? ?n th? t????in ?n? th? l?c?l ??il?in? m?t??i?ls th?t w??? ?v?il??l?. F?? ?x?m?l?, ?i?????nt s?l?ti?ns w??? ????i??? t? ??il? ????s ?v?? m??sh? ????s ?n? st??? ????n?, ?v?n th???h th??? w??? c??t?in st?n???? ??l?s th?t w??? ??ll?w??.
Tw? ?x?m?l?s ?? ?nci?nt R?m?n ????s: ?n? ?t L??tis M??n?, Li??? (t??) ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) ?n? ?n?th?? ?t S?nt? À?????, Min??c? (S??in) (??tt?m). ( P??lic D?m?in )
R?m?n ????s in ??n???l c?nsist?? ?? th??? l????s – ? ???n??ti?n l???? ?n th? ??tt?m, ? mi??l? l????, ?n? ? s????c? l???? ?n th? t??. Th? ???n??ti?n l???? ??t?n c?nsist?? ?? st?n?s ?? ???th. Oth?? m?t??i?ls ?s?? t? ???m this l???? incl????: ????h ???v?l, c??sh?? ??icks, cl?? m?t??i?l, ?n? ?v?n ?il?s ?? w??? wh?n ????s w??? ??in? ??ilt ?v?? sw?m?? ????s. Th? ??ll?win? l???? w??l? ?? c?m??s?? ?? s??t?? m?t??i?ls s?ch ?s s?n? ?? ?in? ???v?l. This l???? m?? h?v? ???n ???m?? ?? s?v???l s?cc?ssiv? l????s.
Fin?ll?, th? s????c? w?s m??? ?sin? ???v?l, which w?s ?cc?si?n?ll? mix?? with lim?. F?? m??? ???min?nt ????s, s?ch ?s th?s? cl?s? t? citi?s, ????s w??? m??? m??? im???ssiv? ?? h?vin? th? s????c? l???? ??ilt ?sin? ?l?cks ?? st?n? (which ????n??? ?n th? l?c?l m?t??i?l ?v?il??l?, ?n? m?? h?v? c?nsist?? ?? v?lc?nic t???, lim?st?n?, ??s?lt, ?tc.) ?? c???l?s. Th? c?nt?? ?? th? ???? sl???? t? th? si??s t? ?ll?w w?t?? t? ???in ??? th? s????c? int? ???in??? ?itch?s. Th?s? ?itch?s ?ls? s??v?? t? ???in? th? ???? in ????s wh??? ?n?mi?s c??l? ?s? th? s?????n?in? t????in ??? ?m??sh?s.
P?ssi?l? l????s in ? R?m?n ????. ( C??st?links)
A?ch???l??ists ?ls? ?isc?v???? th? sk?l?t?ns ?? th??? ???lt m?l?s in th? ???? ?? th? ??c?ntl? ?n???th?? ????. Th?? s?s??ct th?t th? m?n w??? ???i?? th??? ??t?? th? ???? w?s n? l?n??? in ?s?. L?c?l m???? C??l? C?lizz? st?t?? ?s Th? L?c?l It?l? ?????ts , th?t th? McD?n?l?’s ???j?ct w?s “? ??sitiv? ?x?m?l?” ?? ??iv?t? ?n? ???lic s?ct?? c??????tin? s?cc?ss??ll?. “W? w??? ??l? t? ?????ctl? c?m?in? ??sin?ss ?ctiviti?s with ??s??ct ??? ?n? ?????ci?ti?n ?? th? hist??? ?n? ??ch??l???,” ????? C?lizz?.
In cl?sin?, th? m???? ?n? th? CEO ?? McD?n?l?s It?l? ???ss???? th?t th? sit? will ?? ?cc?ssi?l?, ??? ???? t? ?v???????, with??t ??in? t? th? McD?n?l?’s ???nch.
Th? ?nci?nt ???? ??n??th ? n?w McD?n?l?’s in It?l?. (S????int?n??nc? ??? A?ch???l???, Fin? A?ts ?n? L?n?sc??? )