A 2,000-year-old tomb has been successfully unearthed by American archaeologists

Exploring the Abandoned Mausoleum in The Heart of America: An Update

It’s been four months since our last visit to the abandoned mausoleum in Cranston, Rhode Island, and nothing seems to have improved. The place is still in complete disarray, the fence is destroyed, and people are still trespassing without any security measures in place.

As we take a walk around the property, we can’t help but notice the broken stairs, ripped plywood, and vandalized stained glass. It’s a sad sight to see, but we can’t deny the intrigue of exploring a place so rundown yet full of history.

Despite the plywood being put back on the gate since our last visit, it’s clear to see that it’s not much of an obstacle for those determined to enter. The fence is severely damaged, and beyond the trees lies the basement entrance, easily accessible to anyone who wants to go in.

As we shine our light inside, we are met with a heartbreaking scene. Trash litters the floor, crips are scattered around, and human remains still lay on the ground. It’s clear the place has been vandalized, and as we journey up to the second floor, we find caskets still scattered around.

But, in the midst of all this destruction, there is some respect found in the placement of American flags. It’s a small token of appreciation for the veterans whose remains rest inside the mausoleum.

It’s disheartening to see how much further the mausoleum has deteriorated since our last visit. The place is clearly a safety hazard, and we can see why it was condemned. But, as explorers, we can’t help but wonder what else lingers inside those walls.

We’ve compiled a list of the people still known to be inside the mausoleum at the end of our video. We couldn’t capture every brass plate on display, so be sure to check it out to see if someone you know is listed.

In conclusion, despite the lack of security improvements, the abandoned mausoleum in Cranston remains a site of intrigue for explorers. It’s a sad and haunting reminder of America’s history, and with each visit, we gain a new perspective on what was and what could have been.


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